indict someone charged with murder for starving A to death
子どもへの性的虐待の罪で(人)を起訴する: formally charge someone with child molestation 殺人罪で起訴する: indict someone for murder〔人を〕 ~誘拐の罪で起訴する: lodge charges against someone in the kidnapping of〔人を〕 その爆弾を仕掛けた罪で(人)を起訴する: charge someone for planting the bomb 反逆罪で投獄されている(人)を起訴する: charge the jailed someone with treason 子どもへの性的虐待の罪で(人)を正式に起訴する: formally charge someone with child molestation 窃盗の罪で(人)を告訴する: accuse someone of committing the robbery その爆破事件に関係した単独犯罪で(人)を起訴する: charge someone with a single offense related to the bombing 手形をだまし取った詐欺罪で(人)を起訴する: charge someone with fraud for swindling promissory notes from〔~から〕 寝たきりの母親を餓死させる: starve one's bedridden mother to death 死亡事件を殺人罪で起訴する: file murder charges in a case of death 殺人未遂罪と詐欺罪で起訴する: indict someone on charges of attempted murder and fraud〔人を〕 ~の罪で告訴する: put someone on a charge〈英〉〔人を〕 偽証罪で起訴する: indict someone for perjury〔人を〕 反逆罪で起訴する: indict someone on charges of treason〔人を〕