- hold a presidential election upon the expiration of the term of President A
学長の地位[任期]: 学長の地位[任期] presidency 【U】 【C】 《正式》[通例 the ~].
学長: 学長 がくちょう university president
選挙を行う: 1. call an election 2. conduct an election 3. go to the country 4. go to the people 5. hold an election
任期満了: 任期満了 にんきまんりょう expiration of term of office
任期満了 1: termination of a term 任期満了 2 expiration of someone's term of office〔人の〕
再選挙を行う: 【動】 rerun election
総選挙を行う: 1. go to the country 2. hold a general election
任期_年の_年目で選挙を行う: call an election __ years into one's __-year term
任期満了の日: day one's term of office expires
そのメンバーの任期満了日は~である: The members' term of office is to expire on
最初の任期満了後に~を延長する: extend ~ after the first term
_月の任期満了時に~の職から退任する: retire as ~ at the expiration of one's term in
市長の任期: mayoralty
町長の任期: mayoralty
社長の任期: presidency