- come not only from inside A but from as far away as B〔情報?意見などが〕
aからbの範囲で選択可能: selectable from A to B
aの範囲をbに絞る: put A down to B
_から_の範囲で: in the __ to __ range
doの範囲: DOの範囲 range of a DO statement[電情]
i/oの範囲: input/output range
一定の範囲: certain scope
事業の範囲: scope of business
交渉の範囲: range of negotiation issues
人権の範囲: scope of human rights
会議の範囲: scope of a conference
再発の範囲: extent of relapse
力の範囲で: within someone's control / within control of〔人の〕
厚さの範囲: thickness range
周辺の範囲: circumferential extent
壊死の範囲: extent of necrosis