理由に言うことを聞かない子どもをしかる: scold the naughty child for〔~を〕 を理由に~を断る: reject ~ on the grounds that〔that以下〕 健康を理由に: for reasons of health bと違うようにaをしかる: reprimand A differently from B 妻の出産を理由に: because of one's wife's delivery 情報開示を理由に: by citing provisions for the disclosure of information 子をしかる: scold someone's child〔人の〕 先例のないことを理由に: because of a lack of precedent 前例のないことを理由に: because of a lack of precedent 反証がないことを理由に: ex silentio 忙しいことを理由に: on the grounds that one is too busy 肥満を理由にした差別: discrimination because of obesity 肥満を理由に差別する: practice discrimination due to obesity 連日の雪を理由に~する: use snow days as an excuse to 関与を理由に(人)を暗殺する: assassinate someone for his part in〔~への〕