battlement 意味

発音を聞く   battlementの例文
  • {名} : 狭間胸壁{はざま きょうへき}、銃眼付き胸壁{きょうへき}


  1. and as for technique of castle construction , battlement for a flank attack (it had already existed ), exploiting the performance of hinawaju , developed and they were applied to ako-jo castle .
  2. and as for technique of castle construction , battlement for a flank attack (it had already existed ), exploiting the performance of hinawaju , developed and they were applied to ako-jo castle .


        battleharden:    {形} :
        battleground state:    激戦区{げきせん く}、激戦{げきせん}の州
        battlemented building:    狭間胸壁{はざま きょうへき}のある建物{たてもの}
        battleground between:    A と B との間の戦場{せんじょう}
        battlepiece:    {名} : 戦争{せんそう}もの
        battleground:    battleground 戦場 せんじょう
        battleplane:    {名} : 戦闘機{せんとうき}
        battlefront:    {名} : 前線{ぜんせん}
        battler:    {名-1} : 悪戦苦闘{あくせん くとう}する人、断固{だんこ}として戦い抜く人 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {名-2} : 生活費を稼ぐために一生懸命働く人、低生活水準の勤労者{きんろうしゃ}、売春婦{ばいしゅんふ}、路上生活者


  1. "battlefront" 意味
  2. "battleground" 意味
  3. "battleground between" 意味
  4. "battleground state" 意味
  5. "battleharden" 意味
  6. "battlemented building" 意味
  7. "battlepiece" 意味
  8. "battleplane" 意味
  9. "battler" 意味
  10. "battleground state" 意味
  11. "battleharden" 意味
  12. "battlemented building" 意味
  13. "battlepiece" 意味

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