be mother 意味

発音を聞く:   be motherの例文
  • be móther


  1. i'm glad that we could be mother and child .
    たった1時間だったけど 親子になれて よかったって
  2. there'll still be mother and me .
    お母さんのことなら 私だっていますし。
  3. that would be mother to son
  4. and if you don't wanna pretend to be mother and son ... then don't throw parties in my home .
    あなたが 母と息子のふりをしたくないなら 私の家でパーティーを開かないで


        mother:     mother n. 母; 女子修道院長; 根源. 【動詞+】 lose one's mother 母に死に別れる; 迷子になる At five he needed his mother. 5 歳では母親が必要だった pester one's mother for pocket money 母に小遣いをせがむ. 【+動詞】 His mothe
        mother to be:    {名} :
        mother-to-be:    {名} : 妊婦{にんぷ}、母となる人、妊娠中{にんしんちゅう}の女性{じょせい} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【変化】《複》mothers-to-be
        absentee mother:    家にいない母親{ははおや}、働きに出ている母親{ははおや} Emily's mother was an absentee mother, who left her when she was a child.
        abusive mother:    虐待{ぎゃくたい}する母親{ははおや}
        adc mother:    児童福祉手当{じどう ふくし てあて}を受けている母親{ははおや}◆ADC=Aid to Dependent Children
        adopted mother:    養母{ようぼ}
        adoptive mother:    adoptive mother 養母 ようぼ
        adoring mother:    子どもを熱愛{ねつあい}する母親{ははおや}
        affectionate mother:    affectionate mother 慈母 じぼ
        aged mother:    aged mother 老母 ろうぼ
        aggressive mother:    ガミガミうるさい母親{ははおや}
        bachelor mother:    未婚{みこん}の母、女手一つで子どもを育てる母親{ははおや}
        become a mother:    母になる、子をはぐくむ、子を産む
        bedridden mother:    長く病臥中{びょうが ちゅう}の母


  1. "be more than four times the circumference of the earth at the equator" 意味
  2. "be more than just a pretty face" 意味
  3. "be more thorough about your preparation" 意味
  4. "be mortally offended" 意味
  5. "be mortally stricken" 意味
  6. "be motivated by love" 意味
  7. "be mounted on a spring" 意味
  8. "be mounted on an elephant" 意味
  9. "be moved to anger" 意味
  10. "be mortally offended" 意味
  11. "be mortally stricken" 意味
  12. "be motivated by love" 意味
  13. "be mounted on a spring" 意味

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