be promoted to professor 意味

  • 教授に昇進する.


        promoted to professor:    《be ~》教授{きょうじゅ}に昇進{しょうしん}する
        promoted:    《be ~》昇格する、昇級する、昇進する、昇段する、昇任する、進級する
        promoted to:    《be ~》~に昇格{しょうかく}する、~に販売促進{はんばい そくしん}される、~に売り込みがなされる
        to be promoted:    to be promoted 上がる 上る あがる 上る 登る 昇る のぼる 高まる たかまる
        professor:     professor n. 教授. 【動詞+】 appoint a professor 教授を任命する exchange professors 教授を交換する The university hired a professor to fill the chair of…. …の講座を担当する教授を雇った. 【形容詞 名詞+】 He is the
        aggressively promoted:    《be ~》積極的{せっきょくてき}に推進{すいしん}される
        base promoted:    {形} :
        base-promoted:    {形} : 塩基促進{えんき そくしん}の
        get promoted:    昇進する
        phenobarbital promoted:    {形} :
        phenobarbital-promoted:    {形} : フェノバルビタール促進{そくしん}の
        promoted above:    《be ~》(人)を飛び越えて昇進{しょうしん}する
        promoted bishop:    promoted bishop 成り角 なりかく
        promoted chessman:    promoted chessman 成り駒 なりこま
        promoted items:    促進商品{そくしん しょうひん}、売り込み品目


  1. "be promoted slowly up the ladder of success" 意味
  2. "be promoted through the ranks" 意味
  3. "be promoted to (the) management" 意味
  4. "be promoted to corporal" 意味
  5. "be promoted to manager" 意味
  6. "be promoted to the cabinet as secretary of state for transport" 意味
  7. "be promoted to the rank of superstar" 意味
  8. "be promoted to the sixth form" 意味
  9. "be prone to diseases" 意味
  10. "be promoted to corporal" 意味
  11. "be promoted to manager" 意味
  12. "be promoted to the cabinet as secretary of state for transport" 意味
  13. "be promoted to the rank of superstar" 意味

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