- …をどう説明してよいかひどく困っている.
be sorely perplexed to account for 意味
- "be somewhat shy" 意味
- "be somewhere at one's mind" 意味
- "be sopped in the rain" 意味
- "be sopped through and through" 意味
- "be sorely beset" 意味
- "be sorely tempted to do" 意味
- "be sour to the taste" 意味
- "be sparing in giving praise" 意味
- "be sparing of one's energies" 意味
- "be sopped through and through" 意味
- "be sorely beset" 意味
- "be sorely tempted to do" 意味
- "be sour to the taste" 意味