become a member 意味

発音を聞く:   become a memberの例文
  • 会員になる、入会する、加盟する


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. if i win , you will become a member of akatsuki .
    オレが勝ったら お前は暁に入ってもらう。
  2. how much will it be ? to become a member ...
    いくら払えばいいの? 会員になれるのは...
  3. i wanted to become a member of the glenview police department .
  4. i will become a member of judgement , just like you .
  5. if i win , you will become a member of akatsuki .
    アイツとの勝負の醍醐味が なくなっちまうだろうが。



  1. "become a matter of pride for the researcher" 意味
  2. "become a matter of public knowledge" 意味
  3. "become a measure of success" 意味
  4. "become a media circus" 意味
  5. "become a media figure in the society" 意味
  6. "become a member of" 意味
  7. "become a member of a circle" 意味
  8. "become a member of a union" 意味
  9. "become a media circus" 意味
  10. "become a media figure in the society" 意味
  11. "become a member of" 意味

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