become 意味

発音記号: [ bi'kʌm ]発音を聞く   becomeの例文


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. i've become experienced at that kind of reception .
    私 そういうの 扱い慣れてるから。
  2. this town will become known in the whole country !
    この町は 一気に 全国区になんだよ!
  3. it's never too late to become someone other
    単なる 「体験を克服した人」 以上の 存在になるのに
  4. i wonder if just wanting to become one is enough .
  5. that's how much you want to become the director .
    そうまでして 院長になりたいのか...。



  1. "beclasp" 意味
  2. "beclomethasone" 意味
  3. "beclomethasone dipropionate" 意味
  4. "becloud" 意味
  5. "becn" 意味
  6. "become a bankrupt" 意味
  7. "become a barrier to" 意味
  8. "become a basis of the economy" 意味
  9. "become a battlefield" 意味
  10. "becloud" 意味
  11. "becn" 意味
  12. "become a bankrupt" 意味
  13. "become a barrier to" 意味

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