- IT 革命{かくめい}がもたすメリット
benefits brought about by the it revolution 意味
- "benefits accrue (to you) from keeping your money in the bank" 意味
- "benefits and challenges of trade liberalization" 意味
- "benefits and economic opportunities derived from open markets" 意味
- "benefits and harms of" 意味
- "benefits are adjusted automatically to take account of inflation" 意味
- "benefits fall" 意味
- "benefits for absence from work" 意味
- "benefits for early leavers" 意味
- "benefits for the workers" 意味
- "benefits and harms of" 意味
- "benefits are adjusted automatically to take account of inflation" 意味
- "benefits fall" 意味
- "benefits for absence from work" 意味