breakfront 意味

発音を聞く   breakfrontの例文
  • {名} : <→BREAK-FRONT>


        breakfasts-on-the-run:    {名} : かっこみ朝食{ちょうしょく}
        breakfast with unwashed hair:    ぼさぼさの髪のまま朝食{ちょうしょく}を食べる
        breakgirl:    {名} :
        breakfast was waiting when we came to the table:    食卓に着いたときには朝食が食べるばかりとなっていた.
        breakheart pass:    {映画} : 軍用列車◆米1975
        breakfast viewers:    朝食時の視聴者{しちょうしゃ}
        breakin:    {名} :
        breakfast tray:    朝食{ちょうしょく}を乗せた盆
        breaking:     breaking point n. 限界点, 極限. 【動詞+】 He reached the breaking point. (体力や忍耐の)極限に達した. 【前置詞+】 The burden will stretch our health-care system beyond the breaking point. その負担が加わるとわが国の健康保険制度は破綻


  1. "breakfast tray" 意味
  2. "breakfast viewers" 意味
  3. "breakfast was waiting when we came to the table" 意味
  4. "breakfast with unwashed hair" 意味
  5. "breakfasts-on-the-run" 意味
  6. "breakgirl" 意味
  7. "breakheart pass" 意味
  8. "breakin" 意味
  9. "breaking" 意味
  10. "breakfast with unwashed hair" 意味
  11. "breakfasts-on-the-run" 意味
  12. "breakgirl" 意味
  13. "breakheart pass" 意味

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