brilliant achievement 意味

  • brilliant achievement


  1. this is a brilliant achievement .
    これは 快挙と 言えるのではないでしょうか。➡
  2. when japan won the russo-japanese war , which had broken out while yamada stayed in istanbul , the people in the ottoman empire went wild with joy at the news , regarding it as a brilliant achievement by a small eastern country japan , since they had long suffered the pressure from russia and therefore grown affinity with japan , the country which also had been troubled by the pressure from russia .


        brilliant:     brilliant adj. 光り輝いている; 異彩を放つ, めざましい, 才気のある. 【副詞】 She is also intellectually brilliant. 知的な面でもすぐれている a spectacularly brilliant orchestral sound あっと言わせるほど見事なオーケストラの音. 【+前置詞】 She i
        brilliant at:    《be ~》~が優秀{ゆうしゅう}である
        brilliant with:    《be ~》~には素晴{すば}らしく長けている
        achievement:     achievement n. 達成, 成就, 成功; 業績, 偉業, 功績; 成績. 【動詞+】 accomplish a great achievement 偉業をなし遂げる Few children of famous men can emulate the achievements of their fathers. 有名な人の子供で父親の功績と張りあえる者は
        bright and brilliant:    bright and brilliant 晃朗たる こうろうたる
        brilliant achievements:    brilliant achievements 輝かしい業績 かがやかしいぎょうせき
        brilliant actress:    才気縦横{さいき じゅうおう}の女優{じょゆう}
        brilliant artist:    優れた芸術家{げいじゅつか}
        brilliant artistry:    見事{みごと}な芸術的手腕{げいじゅつてき しゅわん}
        brilliant attempt:    見事な試み
        brilliant blue:    ブリリアント?ブルー
        brilliant book:    素晴らしい本
        brilliant brain:    見事{みごと}な頭脳
        brilliant career:    輝かしい経歴{けいれき}
        brilliant catch:    《野球》超ナイスキャッチ◆英語では nice catch とは言わない


  1. "brilliance test" 意味
  2. "brilliancy" 意味
  3. "brilliancy factor" 意味
  4. "brilliant" 意味
  5. "brilliant academic background" 意味
  6. "brilliant achievements" 意味
  7. "brilliant achievements on the playing field" 意味
  8. "brilliant actress" 意味
  9. "brilliant and sparkling dialogue" 意味
  10. "brilliant" 意味
  11. "brilliant academic background" 意味
  12. "brilliant achievements" 意味
  13. "brilliant achievements on the playing field" 意味

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