the upper sections of the unit often incorporate a built-in kettle stand . 上部に五徳を造り付けたものが多い。
tsukeshoin (a built-in table ); this is also simply called ' shoin .' 付書院 単に「書院」とも言う。
the darumouse is named for the use of a real takasaki daruma doll with a built-in mouse . - だるまにマウス機能を内蔵したマウス、本物の高崎だるまを使用している事に因む。
hajitomi refers , in other words , to shitomi (latticed shutters ) the upper half of which are movable and the lower half of which is built-in . つまり、下半分の蔀は建て込んだままである。
gyunabe udon is prepared by putting udon noodles in sukiyaki (thin slices of beef , cooked with various vegetables on a table with a built-in cast-iron grill ). すき焼きにうどんを入れたもの。