burial facility 意味

  • 埋設施設{まいせつ しせつ}


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. one simple burial facility in the constricted spot .
  2. the burial facility is not known .
  3. in the back square part , there was no burial facility but saishi (religious service ) facilities .
  4. its particular feature is that the secondary rock chamber of the burial facility looks exactly like a room for keeping articles left by the person buried there .
  5. there are two classifications in terminology used in the burial system of the yayoi period , which are; terms describing outside facility of burial facility (upper structure ) such as shisekibo (a dolmen ), funkyubo (grave mound or tumulus ) and shukobo (burial mound surrounded by a moat ), and terms describing individual shapes of actual burial facility (lower structure ) such as kamekanbo (earthenware jar-coffin grave ), dokobo (hole-shaped grave ), mokkanbo (wooden coffin grave ) and sekkanbo (stone coffin grave ).


        burial:     burial n. 埋葬. 【動詞+】 attend the burial of a friend 友人の埋葬に参列する give sb burial 人を埋葬する They gave the body (a) hasty burial. その死体をあわただしく埋葬した He wasn't even given burial. 埋葬さえし
        facility:     facility n. 容易さ, たやすさ; 才, 器用さ, 腕前; 便利, 便宜; 機関, 施設, 設備. 【動詞+】 acquire facility in a language 言語を楽に話す能力を身につける afford every facility for… …に対してあらゆる便宜を与える close sports facilities スポ
        with facility:    容易{ようい}に、たやすく
        aerial burial:    空葬{からとむらい}
        arlington burial:    {地名} : アーリントン墓地◆米の国立軍人墓地。◆【同】Arlington National Cemetery
        burial accessories:    burial accessories 副葬品 ふくそうひん
        burial at sea:    burial at sea 水葬 すいそう
        burial case:    〈米〉棺
        burial cave:    葬窟
        burial ceremony:    埋葬式{まいそう しき}
        burial certificate:    埋葬許可証{まいそう きょかしょう}
        burial chamber:    埋葬室{まいそう しつ}、玄室{げんしつ}
        burial clothes:    burial clothes 死に装束 しにしょうぞく
        burial expense:    葬儀費
        burial goods:    副葬品{ふくそうひん}


  1. "burial ceremony" 意味
  2. "burial certificate" 意味
  3. "burial chamber" 意味
  4. "burial clothes" 意味
  5. "burial expense" 意味
  6. "burial goods" 意味
  7. "burial ground" 意味
  8. "burial ground for" 意味
  9. "burial grounds" 意味
  10. "burial clothes" 意味
  11. "burial expense" 意味
  12. "burial goods" 意味
  13. "burial ground" 意味

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