business act 意味

  • 業務行為{ぎょうむ こうい}


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. it was abolished in 1997 (the salt monopoly law was abolished , and the salt business act went into effect ).
  2. the following definitions are described in the railway business act , enforcement regulations of article 4 in japan .
  3. there are some other types of railways controlled by regulations other than the railway business act and the act on rail tracks .
  4. the reason why there are two acts , the railway business act and the act on rail tracks , is that the act on rail tracks mainly covers railways set up on roads .
  5. moreover , other than types of railways mentioned above , there are some railways constructed on private properties not based on the railway business act and the act on rail tracks .


        act of business tax:    営業税法{えいぎょう ぜいほう}
        business corporation act:    事業会社法{じぎょうがいしゃ ほう}◆【略】BCA
        model business corporation act:    《The ~》模範事業会社法◆米国弁護士会が1950年に公布。
        anti monopoly act guidelines concerning distribution systems and business practices:    
        anti-monopoly act guidelines concerning distribution systems and business practices:    流通{りゅうつう}および取引慣行{とりひき かんこう}に関する独占禁止法{どくせん きんしほう}の指針{ししん}
        act:    1act n. (1) 行為; 現場; 祈り. 【動詞+】 They all applauded this act. この行為をみんながほめた fail to appreciate an act of kindness 親切な行為のありがたさを認めない They carried out acts of appalling cruelty. すさまじく残虐
        act as:    ~の役を務める、~の役目を務める、~として行動{こうどう}する[働く]、~となる、~の機能を果たす、~として活動{かつどう}する Endorphins can act as pain killers. エンドルフィンは鎮痛剤として使える。
        act at will:    したい放題{ほうだい}にする
        act for:    ~のために活動[行動]する、~の代理をする、代行する、代表する、名代となる
        act on:    {句動-1} : ~に従って[基づいて]行動{こうどう}する、~について決定{けってい}を下す The detectives were quick to act on the information. 探偵たちはその情報に対して素早く反応した。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        act with:    ~と行動{こうどう}を共にする、(人)と共演{きょうえん}する
        in act to:    今にも~しようとしている
        in the act of:    in the act of 途端に とたんに
        no act:    《be ~》見せかけではない
        to act:    to act 立ち振る舞う たちふるまう 働く はたらく


  1. "business accounting council" 意味
  2. "business accounting deliberation council" 意味
  3. "business accounting principle" 意味
  4. "business acquaintance" 意味
  5. "business acquisition" 意味
  6. "business action" 意味
  7. "business activities" 意味
  8. "business activity" 意味
  9. "business activity continued in spite of the war" 意味
  10. "business acquaintance" 意味
  11. "business acquisition" 意味
  12. "business action" 意味
  13. "business activities" 意味

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