he left his mark on business activities in kansai area . 関西の財界活動にそれなりの足跡を残した。
as a result , it seems that business activities of the adjacent yagi expanded into imai-cho in the medieval period developing the latter into a town . その結果、中世の今井町も隣接の八木の商業が入り込み、今井の町を形成してきたようである。
on the contrary , it is prominent that increasing number of companies with their headquarters located in shiga have developed their business activities into kyoto since 1980 ' s . 1980年代以降、逆に滋賀に本社を置く企業が京都に進出するケースも目立っている。
he understood the need to recover the purity of currency in order to reduce currency circulation in the market , but he was also concerned about the immeasurable impact on business activities if the government carried out this at once . そのため元禄金銀・宝永金銀の回収と新金銀の交換は少なくとも20年はかけて徐々に行うように提言している。
their main business activities are processing and selling tea , and as well as delivering tea to master families of tea ceremony , they have sales channels in department stores , and also engage in e-commerce on the world wide web . 茶の加工と販売を主な事業とし、茶道の家へ茶を収めるほか、百貨店などにも販路を持ち、World Wide Web上で電子商取引も行う。