buy land on speculation
land speculation
: land speculation 地上げ ちあげ
speculation in land
: 土地投機{とち とうき}
buy land
: 土地を買う
anti-land speculation measure
counter-measure for land speculation
countermeasure for land speculation
: 土地対策{とち たいさく}
buy a parcel of land
: 一区画の土地を買う
buy land cheaply
: 土地{とち}を安く買う
buy up land
: 土地を買い占める
buy two neighboring lots of land
: 隣合った二つの土地を買う
as a speculation
: 思惑で
in speculation
: 理論上{りろんじょう}
on speculation
: 投機で
: speculation n. 思索; 推測, 憶測; 投機. 【動詞+】 She disturbed his speculations to inform him of a new piece of evidence. 彼が考えごとをしているところを中断させ, 新しい証拠について彼に知らせた end speculation 憶測を終わらせる excite
force the immigrant to buy some plots of poor land
: その移民{いみん}にやせた土地{とち}の数区画{すう くかく}を押し売りする
"buy jawbone" 意味
"buy junk souvenirs" 意味
"buy jupiter and other stories" 意味
"buy land" 意味
"buy land cheaply" 意味
"buy liability insurance" 意味
"buy loads of" 意味
"buy local" 意味
"buy local goods" 意味
"buy land" 意味
"buy land cheaply" 意味
"buy liability insurance" 意味
"buy loads of" 意味
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