by a strange coincidence 意味

  • 不思議な偶然の一致で


  1. by a strange coincidence , his friend and doshin-kumigashira (head of a police constable ) ibaraki gave him more details of yukiyasu ' s treatments , then he felt something and soon went to wakayama to meet yukiyasu , and he eventually took the oath and became yukiyasu ' s pupil .


        strange coincidence:    strange coincidence 奇縁 きえん
        study the strange coincidence of:    ~における奇妙{きみょう}な一致{いっち}を究明{きゅうめい}する
        by coincidence:    偶然{ぐうぜん}に I saw Mrs. Murphy by coincidence at the supermarket today. 今日マーフィー夫人を偶然スーパーマーケットで見掛けた。 It was only by coincidence that I happened to be there. 私がそこに居合わせたのは、全くの偶然だった。
        coincidence:     coincidence n. 同時に起こること; 一致, 符合; 偶然の一致. 【動詞+】 confuse (a) phonetic coincidence with derivation from the same origin 音声上の一致を同一語源からの派生であることと混同する. 【形容詞 名詞+】 (a) chance coincidence 偶然の一致
        strange:     strange adj. 未知の, 不思議な, 変な; 不慣れな. 【副詞】 a bit strange 少し変な It's rather strange that nobody's here. だれもここにいないのはいささかおかしい unbelievably strange 信じられないほど不思議な. 【+前置詞】 I noticed s
        accidental coincidence:    偶然{ぐうぜん}の一致{いっち}、偶然{ぐうぜん}の合致{がっち}、偶然{ぐうぜん}の同時{どうじ}
        amazing coincidence:    奇遇{きぐう}
        anti-coincidence:    {名} :
        by a curious coincidence:    不思議{ふしぎ}な縁で
        by a happy coincidence:    運よく偶然に一致して
        by a pure coincidence:    単なる偶然{ぐうぜん}の一致{いっち}で
        chance coincidence:    偶然{ぐうぜん}の同時{どうじ}
        coefficient of coincidence:    併発係数{へいはつ けいすう}
        coincidence amplifier:    coincidence amplifier 一致増幅器[電情]
        coincidence boundary:    coincidence boundary 一致境界[化学]; コインシデンス粒界[基礎]; 対応粒界[基礎]


  1. "by a single blow" 意味
  2. "by a slim margin" 意味
  3. "by a slip of the pen" 意味
  4. "by a small majority" 意味
  5. "by a standing vote" 意味
  6. "by a strange concurrence of events i happened to be present at the time" 意味
  7. "by a strange fatality" 意味
  8. "by a strange irony of fate" 意味
  9. "by a strange turn of the wheel of fate" 意味
  10. "by a small majority" 意味
  11. "by a standing vote" 意味
  12. "by a strange concurrence of events i happened to be present at the time" 意味
  13. "by a strange fatality" 意味

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