to (謄 )' means to deliver a message by post horse . 「騰」は、早馬で伝えるという意味である。
and those visits were made after all attempts to communicate with mr lomax by post had failed . 何度か文書で 連絡を試みましたが ダメなのでお伺いしました
the academic results table for all students in the same year were directly sent to the parents by post while kumeo was in the military academy . 岩倉久米雄の在学中、陸軍士官学校の同期生全員の成績一覧表は直接生徒の親宛に郵送された。
assuming that the contents of the first message having arrived at kyoto , carried by post horses , were true , the following considerations are feasible as well: 仮に、最初に京に届いた早馬の言上を事実とすれば、以下の様に考える事も出来る。
the order of the bakufu was sent to kyoto by post horse on march 22 in the same year , and tokisuke was killed by yoshimune hojo (it is also said he escaped and ran away to yoshino ). 京都へは同年2月15日に早馬で幕命が伝えられ、時輔は北条義宗に誅殺された(逐電し、吉野へ逃亡したという説もある)。