and that must be understood by reference to 集合体として扱い
the government discussed issues in a cabinet meeting by reference to draft proposals prepared by the matsumoto committee , and submitted ' the outline of constitution revision [mataumoto draft ]' to ghq on february 8 , 1946 . 政府は、松本委員会が要綱化した案を元に閣議で審議し、1946年(昭和21年)2月8日に「憲法改正要綱(松本試案)」として総司令部に提出した。
it is also said that , with such an economic situation as a background , the system of kokudaka (assessed yield; tax system based upon rice , measured by reference to the rated annual yield of the domain ) was introduced by the succeeding toyotomi and edo bakufu governments . なお、その後の政権である豊臣政権や江戸幕府が石高制を導入した背景にはこうした経済情勢を背景にしたとも言われている。
this story of yoshiie ' s prowess is thought to have been well known , as demonstrated by reference to the event in a depiction of minamoto no tametomo ' s archery skill in " hogen monogatari ," but it appears that the author of " konjaku " deemed it unsuitable for this work . この義家の武勇譚は、『保元物語』で源為朝の弓の腕前を語る際に引き合いに出されるなど、著名な話であったと思われるが、これも『今昔』の好むところではなかったらしい。
on the other hand , ieyasu tokugawa , who had the largest kokudaka (assessed yield; tax system based on rice , measured by reference to the rated annual yield of the domain ) among daimyo , but as he had been moved to kanto just before , he only headed troops to kyushu , but was exempt from going to korea to fight in order to consolidate new territory , came to have latent powers . 一方で、諸大名中最大の石高を持ちながら、関東移封直後で新領地の整備のために九州への出陣止まりで朝鮮への派兵を免れた徳川家康が隠然たる力を持つようになった。
as a reference: 対照{たいしょう}として、参照{さんしょう}[参考{さんこう}]用に by reference: 言及{げんきゅう}することにより for reference: 参考のため、参考までに、参照用に Feel free to use this for reference. ご参考にどうぞ。 For your reference we have enclosed a complete list of our products. 当社全製品の一覧を同封しますので、ご参照ください。 Enclosed are the specifications for yourin reference to: ~に関連して、~に関して、~を参照して、~に準拠{じゅんきょ}して In [With] reference to our request for a meeting with your goodself on the 20th of October, 1999, we would like to mention here the following suggestions. of reference to: 《be ~》(人)の参考{さんこう}になる reference: reference n. 言及; 照会, 問い合わせ; 参照, 照合; (身元)証明書, 推薦状; 引用文; 関係, 関連; 付託. 【動詞+】 Try to avoid any reference to his recent accident. 彼の最近の事故にはいっさい触れないようにしなさい check sb's references with his formerreference to: reference to 論及 ろんきゅう reference...: reference... 基準[機械]〈99B0102:歯車用語―幾何学的定義〉 with reference to: ~に関連して、~に関して、~を参照して、~に準拠{じゅんきょ}して In [With] reference to our request for a meeting with your goodself on the 20th of October, 1999, we would like to mention here the following suggestions. a frame of reference: a fráme of réference (1) 基準[知識]体系;見解,理論;(判断?分析などの)枠,枠組み,範囲,関連事項;視点. (2) 〔数?物〕座標系. absolute reference: 絶対参照{ぜったい さんしょう} add the reference of: ~の言及{げんきゅう}を付け加える addendum (reference): addendum (reference) 基準歯末のたけ[機械]〈99B0102:歯車用語―幾何学的定義〉 address reference: アドレス参照{さんしょう} ambiguous reference: あいまいな参照{さんしょう}