however , on february 4 , in the following year , noguchi was suddenly ordered seppuku and committed it by the assistance of hayataro ando . だが、同年12月27日、野口は突然切腹を命じられ、安藤早太郎の介錯で切腹した。
according to " roshi bunkyu hokokukiji ," his seppuku was decided by discussion of all concerned , but again he roughed up tsunero yoshinari , a ronin (masterless samurai )from mito at a lodging in sanjo kiyamachi , therefore he was forced to commit seppuku by the assistance of nanigashi umezu , however the truth is unknown . 『浪士文久報国記事』によれば一同相談のうえ切腹と決まったが、またも三条木屋町の旅宿で水戸浪人吉成常郎に乱暴を働いたため梅津某の介錯で切腹させられたことになっており、真相はよく分からない。