- calendar n. 暦, カレンダー; 日程表; (年中)行事.【動詞+】+もっと...
- Agrarian cultures set their planting calendars by the sun's seasonal progressions.
- Let us set the calendar ahead a hundred years and imagine what might be happening.
暦を 100 年進めて何が起こっているか想像してみよう
- Let us turn back the calendar 40 years and see what was happening at that time.
暦を 40 年戻して, その時点でどんなことが生じていたか見ることにしましょう.
【+動詞】【形容詞 名詞+】- The Lord Mayor's Show is one of the most popular festivals in the London calendar.
【前置詞+】- under the old calendar
- Agrarian cultures set their planting calendars by the sun's seasonal progressions.
calendar 意味
発音記号: [ 'kæləndə ]発音を聞く calendarの例文
- calendar n. 暦, カレンダー; 日程表; (年中)行事.【動詞+】+もっと...
もっと例文: 次へ>- you see the centenarian of the month calendar .
「今月の100歳者」のカレンダーがあるのです - but the whole freaking calendar , he comes up with 0400
それは偶然にも朝4時でした - * the following dates were based upon the old lunar calendar .
※日付は旧暦 - japanese calendar dates are in old lunar calendar style .
和暦の日付は、旧暦表示。 - japanese calendar dates are in old lunar calendar style .