- 豆類は私たちの必要とするすべてのたんぱく質を与えてくれますか
can pulses furnish all the protein we need 意味
- "can poeticize everything one sees" 意味
- "can pretty much guess" 意味
- "can probably" 意味
- "can produce spoken english at a reasonably functional level" 意味
- "can propaganda like this convince anyone" 意味
- "can punch" 意味
- "can question whether" 意味
- "can reach someone there after" 意味
- "can read and write from an early stage" 意味
- "can produce spoken english at a reasonably functional level" 意味
- "can propaganda like this convince anyone" 意味
- "can punch" 意味
- "can question whether" 意味