cannot see much difference between candidates 意味

  • <→CAN'T see much difference between candidates>



  1. "cannot see an inch ahead" 意味
  2. "cannot see beyond one's nose" 意味
  3. "cannot see beyond the end of one's nose" 意味
  4. "cannot see for looking" 意味
  5. "cannot see grey areas" 意味
  6. "cannot see one's hand in front of one's face" 意味
  7. "cannot see someone without thinking of" 意味
  8. "cannot see the forest for the tree" 意味
  9. "cannot see the wood for the tree" 意味
  10. "cannot see for looking" 意味
  11. "cannot see grey areas" 意味
  12. "cannot see one's hand in front of one's face" 意味
  13. "cannot see someone without thinking of" 意味

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