- 《be ~》コンピュータのプログラムを消去{しょうきょ}する能力{のうりょく}を持つ
capable of deleting computer programs 意味
- "capable of catalyzing the deamination" 意味
- "capable of communicating in english" 意味
- "capable of competing at the top international level" 意味
- "capable of conception" 意味
- "capable of coordinating diverse projects" 意味
- "capable of detecting" 意味
- "capable of doing" 意味
- "capable of doing anything" 意味
- "capable of doing anything in order to" 意味
- "capable of conception" 意味
- "capable of coordinating diverse projects" 意味
- "capable of detecting" 意味
- "capable of doing" 意味