people in those days never called the central government office of kamakura or muromachi ' bakufu .' 当時の人々は鎌倉や室町の中央政庁を「幕府」と呼んだことはない。
a branch office (shicho ) was an independent branch office of karafuto-cho , the duties of the central government office were divided within its jurisdiction . 支庁は樺太庁の独立出先機関とされており、管内において本庁の事務を分掌していた。
the central government office including chodo-in (an office at the heijo-kyo palace ), the center of affairs of state , was built side by side with dairi , and the complex was collectively called kyujo . 国政の中枢である朝堂院をはじめとする中央官衙は内裏に併設され、合わせて宮城と呼ばれる。
this article " choshushi " (clerks conveying official documents made under the ritsuryo system ) provided rules and regulations on use of ekiba (horses to transport officials ) by provincial governors who were summoned to the central government office . 朝集使(中央に召集された国司の駅馬利用規定)
first , at the celebration party for opening the ' post bureau (not a ' central post office ' as some say but a central government office involved in postal services )' scheduled in december of that year , fire was to be set at some distance from the venue so that they could overthrow the high officials in the confusion to eliminate the conservative party . まず、同年12月に開催が予定されていた「郵政局(郵政関連の中央官庁で、一部で言われるような「中央郵便局」等ではない)」の開庁祝賀パーティーの際、会場から少し離れたところに放火を行い、その後、混乱の中で高官を倒し守旧派を一掃。