chief administration for intelligence 意味

  • {組織} : 参謀本部情報総局◆【略】GRU


        army intelligence chief:    軍諜報機関{ぐん ちょうほう きかん}の長官{ちょうかん}
        chief administration officer:    管理部門主任{かんり ぶもん しゅにん}
        chief of personnel administration:    人事部長{じんじ ぶちょう}
        chief of the administration office:    総務主幹
        intelligence:    intelligence n. (1) 報道, 情報; 諜報機関. 【動詞+】 assess intelligence 情報の価値を査定する betray intelligence of national importance 重要な国家機密を漏洩(ろうえい)する the latest intelligence to be brought by… …によ
        as chief to:    ~の長として
        chief:     chief n. (組織 集団の)長, 頭(かしら), 首領. 【形容詞 名詞+】 a branch chief 支店長 the Paris bureau chief for the New York Times ?ニューヨークタイムズ?のパリ支局長 He is the deputy chief of the engineering section.
        in chief:    とりわけ、最高の、最高位の、長官の◆【用法】名詞の後ろに置く
        chief chief:    大酋長
        administration:     administration n. 行政, 統治; 内閣; 管理, 経営(者); 投薬. 【動詞+】 There is a need to centralize the administration. 中央集権にする必要がある During his presidency he gave the country the effective and just adminis
        chief and vice-chief:    chief and vice-chief 正副 せいふく
        (military) intelligence:    (military) intelligence 情報 じょうほう
        abstract intelligence:    抽象的知能{ちゅうしょうてき ちのう}
        accurate intelligence:    正確{せいかく}な情報{じょうほう}
        acute intelligence:    鋭い知性{ちせい}


  1. "chief abbot" 意味
  2. "chief abbot (of a buddhist temple)" 意味
  3. "chief accountant" 意味
  4. "chief accounting officer" 意味
  5. "chief actuary" 意味
  6. "chief administration officer" 意味
  7. "chief administrative officer" 意味
  8. "chief administrator" 意味
  9. "chief advantage of" 意味
  10. "chief accounting officer" 意味
  11. "chief actuary" 意味
  12. "chief administration officer" 意味
  13. "chief administrative officer" 意味

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