close of the 19th century 意味

  • 《the ~》19世紀{せいき}の終わり


        19th century mentality:    
        19th-century mentality:    19世紀{せいき}の考え方 That's the 19th-century mentality. それは時代遅れの発想{はっそう}だよ。
        19th century form of national sovereignty:    
        19th-century form of national sovereignty:    19世紀的{せいき てき}な国家主権論{こっか しゅけん ろん}
        19th:    =
        19th century slogan advocating reverence for the emperor and the expulsion of (barbarian) foreigners:    19th century slogan advocating reverence for the Emperor and the expulsion of (barbarian) foreigners 尊皇王攘夷 尊皇攘夷 尊王攘夷 そんのうじょうい
        a century:    a century 一世紀 いっせいき
        century:     century n. 100 年, 1 世紀; 〔クリケット〕 100 点. 【動詞+】 enter the 21st century 21 世紀に入る He is tough; he will probably live out the century. タフな男だから次の世紀まで生きるだろう He made a century in this afte
        century of:    《a ~》今世紀{こん せいき}の、20世紀{せいき}の
        of the century:    今世紀が生んだ
        this century:    this century 今世紀 こんせいき
        19th amendment to the u.s. constitution:    《the ~》米国憲法{べいこく けんぽう}19番目{ばんめ}の改正{かいせい}[修正{しゅうせい}](条項{じょうこう})◆婦人参政権を認める改正 The 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution became law in 1920. 米国憲法19番目の改正[修正](条項)は1920年に法律となった。
        a close:    a close 終末 しゅうまつ
        as close as:    《be ~》あたかも~かのようである
        at the close:    大引けに


  1. "close of business" 意味
  2. "close of day" 意味
  3. "close of land" 意味
  4. "close of period" 意味
  5. "close of subscription" 意味
  6. "close of the day's session" 意味
  7. "close of the game" 意味
  8. "close of the market" 意味
  9. "close of the session" 意味
  10. "close of period" 意味
  11. "close of subscription" 意味
  12. "close of the day's session" 意味
  13. "close of the game" 意味

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