closest rival 意味

  • 好敵手{こうてきしゅ}


  1. it is said that kenshin heard of shingen ' s death while eating , he dropped his chopsticks and cried out saying , ' i lost the closest rival , and such a hero will never appear again in this world (according to " nihon gaishi " (historical book on japan ).'


        in rival with:    ~と競合している
        rival:     1rival n. 競争相手, ライバル; 肩を並べる人, 匹敵する人. 【動詞+】 crush one's rival 競争相手を打ち破る He managed to cut out all rivals for her affections. すべての競争相手を出し抜いてなんとか彼女の愛を勝ち得た defeat one's rival 相手をやっつ
        to rival:    to rival 張り合う はりあう
        closest aides:    一番近い側近者
        closest allies:    友好国{ゆうこう こく}
        closest approach:    最接近{さい せっきん}
        closest competitor:    伯仲{はくちゅう}した競争相手{きょうそう あいて}
        closest friend:    親友{しんゆう}
        closest packing:    最密充てん{さいみつ じゅうてん}
        closest phone:    一番近くにある電話{でんわ}
        closest station:    最寄りの駅
        closest thing:    《the ~》一番身近{いちばん みぢか}なもの[こと]
        closest to pin:    closest to pin ニアピン
        aggressive rival:    好戦的{こうせんてき}な敵手{てきしゅ}
        arch rival:    《one's ~》一番{いちばん}のライバル、好敵手{こうてきしゅ} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {名} :


  1. "closest packing" 意味
  2. "closest person to someone regarding" 意味
  3. "closest phone" 意味
  4. "closest point of approach" 意味
  5. "closest point problem" 意味
  6. "closest star to the sun" 意味
  7. "closest station" 意味
  8. "closest thing" 意味
  9. "closest to pin" 意味
  10. "closest point of approach" 意味
  11. "closest point problem" 意味
  12. "closest star to the sun" 意味
  13. "closest station" 意味

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