- (人)と普通{ふつう}の[平均的{へいきん てき}な]人を比べる
compare someone to the average person 意味
- "compare sb's prints with those on the gun" 意味
- "compare sequences across species" 意味
- "compare several different models before you buy" 意味
- "compare sleep to death" 意味
- "compare someone to a flower" 意味
- "compare the advantages and disadvantages" 意味
- "compare the civilizations of ancient china and mesopotamia" 意味
- "compare the computer and the human mind" 意味
- "compare the cost of living in major cities of the world" 意味
- "compare sleep to death" 意味
- "compare someone to a flower" 意味
- "compare the advantages and disadvantages" 意味
- "compare the civilizations of ancient china and mesopotamia" 意味