- 《be ~》今後{こんご}(人)に販売{はんばい}することを断わらなければならない
compelled to refuse to supply someone in the future 意味
- "compelled to admit to the charges due to torture" 意味
- "compelled to cancel the plan" 意味
- "compelled to cooperate with the government agency" 意味
- "compelled to give one's fingerprint" 意味
- "compelled to reduce one's living expenses to the minimum" 意味
- "compelled to wonder" 意味
- "compeller" 意味
- "compelling" 意味
- "compelling application upgrades" 意味
- "compelled to give one's fingerprint" 意味
- "compelled to reduce one's living expenses to the minimum" 意味
- "compelled to wonder" 意味
- "compeller" 意味