conclusion 意味

発音記号: [ kən'klu:ʒən ]発音を聞く   conclusionの例文


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. this is your conclusion after thinking seriously , right ?
  2. who , oror what has brought you to that conclusion ?
    誰が... 何でそういう結論に?
  3. and then you give them the inferences and the conclusion
  4. hey , just give us an easy to understand conclusion .
    おい 分かりやすく結論を言えよ。
  5. and if they don't accept the conclusion , they die .
    それを受け入れなければ 観衆は死ぬ



  1. "concluding paragraph" 意味
  2. "concluding program" 意味
  3. "concluding remarks" 意味
  4. "concluding volume (part) (e.g. of novel)" 意味
  5. "concluding years of one's life" 意味
  6. "conclusion and implementation of related conventions" 意味
  7. "conclusion of a comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty" 意味
  8. "conclusion of a contract" 意味
  9. "conclusion of a nonaggression pact" 意味
  10. "concluding volume (part) (e.g. of novel)" 意味
  11. "concluding years of one's life" 意味
  12. "conclusion and implementation of related conventions" 意味
  13. "conclusion of a comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty" 意味

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