conformation 意味

発音を聞く   conformationの例文


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. i've just been trying to get some sort of conformation .
  2. famous among different opinions is the one concerned with equine conformation .
  3. based on the three cs coat color , conformation , cuteness .
    毛の色(coat color)、外見(conformation)、愛嬌と、3Cを基に行います。
  4. based on the three cs coat color , conformation , cuteness .
    毛の色(coat color)、外見(conformation)、愛嬌と、3Cを基に行います。
  5. based on the three cs coat color , conformation , cuteness .
    毛の色(coat color)、外見(conformation)、愛嬌と、3Cを基に行います。



  1. "conformance quality" 意味
  2. "conformance test" 意味
  3. "conformance to a requirement" 意味
  4. "conformance to international standards" 意味
  5. "conformant array parameter" 意味
  6. "conformation analysis" 意味
  7. "conformation change" 意味
  8. "conformation energy" 意味
  9. "conformation of a to b a" 意味
  10. "conformance to international standards" 意味
  11. "conformant array parameter" 意味
  12. "conformation analysis" 意味
  13. "conformation change" 意味

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