considered incurable 意味

  • 《be ~》治癒不可能とされる


        incurable:    {形-1} : 不治{ふじ}の、治療不能{ちりょう ふのう}の、癒し難い、手のつけられない -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {形-2} : (悪い癖?習慣?性質などが)矯正{きょうせい}できない、直らない -----------------------------
        considered:    {形} : よく考えた、尊敬{そんけい}される -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 《be ~》~と見なされている、~と見られている He was considered a suspect. In my country, I'm considered a hero. H
        considered to be:    《be ~》~であると考えられている[目されている] The company is considered to be a takeover possibility. The earthquake was considered to be a magnitude 8.0 to 8.5. I think that was considered to be the proper thing to d
        almost incurable:    難治の
        incurable ailment:    不治{ふじ}の病
        incurable cancer:    不治{ふじ}の癌
        incurable case:    難症{なんしょう}
        incurable condition:    不治{ふじ}の病状{びょうじょう}
        incurable disease:    incurable disease 難病 なんびょう 業病 ごうびょう 膏肓 こうこう
        incurable disorder:    不治{ふじ}の病気{びょうき}
        incurable fool:    度し難いばか
        incurable gambler:    度し難いばくち打ち
        incurable illness:    incurable illness 不治の病 ふじのやまい 難症 なんしょう
        incurable malady:    不治{ふじ}の病
        incurable malignancy:    不治{ふじ}の悪性腫瘍{あくせい しゅよう}


  1. "considered in a lump" 意味
  2. "considered in bad taste" 意味
  3. "considered in terms of" 意味
  4. "considered in terms of quality of life" 意味
  5. "considered in the light of international law" 意味
  6. "considered inheritance" 意味
  7. "considered key to an economic recovery" 意味
  8. "considered less serious" 意味
  9. "considered merely as a domestic issue" 意味
  10. "considered in terms of quality of life" 意味
  11. "considered in the light of international law" 意味
  12. "considered inheritance" 意味
  13. "considered key to an economic recovery" 意味

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