contract the disease by eating infected animal feed 意味

  • 感染{かんせん}した動物飼料{どうぶつ しりょう}を食べて病気{びょうき}にかかる



  1. "contract terminable on notice by either party" 意味
  2. "contract termination" 意味
  3. "contract terms" 意味
  4. "contract that someone used to have" 意味
  5. "contract the abdomen" 意味
  6. "contract the disease in the hospital" 意味
  7. "contract the disease in the medical laboratory" 意味
  8. "contract the disease through unprotected heterosexual relations" 意味
  9. "contract the disease through unprotected sexual relations" 意味
  10. "contract that someone used to have" 意味
  11. "contract the abdomen" 意味
  12. "contract the disease in the hospital" 意味
  13. "contract the disease in the medical laboratory" 意味

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