convert the optical signal in the fiber to an electrical signal 意味

  • 光{ひかり}ファイバーの信号{しんごう}を電気信号{でんき しんごう}に変換{へんかん}する



  1. "convert the latent possibilities into a great reality" 意味
  2. "convert the light into electrical pulses" 意味
  3. "convert the mechanical energy of the sound waves to an electrical signal" 意味
  4. "convert the nation into an information technology superpower" 意味
  5. "convert the ones and zeros into" 意味
  6. "convert the plant for more fuel-efficient operation" 意味
  7. "convert the starch into a form that can be assimilated by the body" 意味
  8. "convert the starch into sugar" 意味
  9. "convert the sunlight into electricity" 意味
  10. "convert the nation into an information technology superpower" 意味
  11. "convert the ones and zeros into" 意味
  12. "convert the plant for more fuel-efficient operation" 意味
  13. "convert the starch into a form that can be assimilated by the body" 意味

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