corea 意味

発音を聞く   coreaの例文
  • {人名} : コリア


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. article v . the government of japan undertake to maintain the welfare and dignity of the imperial house of corea .
    第五條 日本國政府ハ韓國皇室ノ安寧ト尊嚴ヲ維持スルコトヲ保証ス
  2. article iv . the stipulations of all treaties and agreements existing between japan and corea , not inconsistent with the provisions of this agreement , shall continue in force .
    第四條 日本國ト韓國トノ間ニ現存スル條約及約束ハ本協約ノ條款ニ抵觸セサル限總テ其效力ヲ繼續スルモノトス
  3. the governments of japan and corea , desiring to strengthen the principle of solidarity which unites the two empires , have with that object in view agreed upon and concluded the following stipulations to serve until the moment arrives when it is recognized that corea has attained national strength: -
  4. the governments of japan and corea , desiring to strengthen the principle of solidarity which unites the two empires , have with that object in view agreed upon and concluded the following stipulations to serve until the moment arrives when it is recognized that corea has attained national strength: -
  5. article ii . the government of japan undertake to see to the execution of the treaties actually existing between corea and other powers , and the government of corea engage not to conclude hereafter any act or engagement having an international character except through the medium of the government of japan .
    第二條 日本國政府ハ韓國ト他國トノ間ニ現存スル條約ノ實行ヲ全フスルノ任ニ當リ韓國政府ハ今後日本國政府ノ仲介ニ由ラスシテ國際的性質ヲ有スル何等ノ条約若ハ約束ヲナササルコトヲ約ス



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  7. "coreaction" 意味
  8. "coreactivity" 意味
  9. "coreceptor" 意味
  10. "core-type induction furnace" 意味
  11. "core-wall" 意味
  12. "coreacting resin" 意味
  13. "coreaction" 意味

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