counterfeit checks 意味

  • 偽小切手{にせ こぎって}


        computer generated counterfeit checks:    
        computer-generated counterfeit checks:    パソコンで使った偽造小切手{ぎぞう こぎって}
        counterfeit:     counterfeit n. 偽造物, 贋作(がんさく). 【動詞+】 a device to detect counterfeits 贋作を見破る装置 expose a counterfeit 模造品を摘発する make a counterfeit of a $100 bill 100 ドル紙幣を偽造する. 【形容詞 名詞+】 a clu
        to counterfeit:    to counterfeit 似せる にせる
        checks:    checks 市松模様 いちまつもよう 弁慶縞 べんけいじま
        clumsy counterfeit:    下手な模造品
        counterfeit banknote:    偽札{にせさつ}、偽造紙幣{ぎぞう しへい}、贋造紙幣{がんぞう しへい}
        counterfeit bill:    偽札{にせさつ}
        counterfeit card:    偽造{ぎぞう}カード
        counterfeit charity:    偽の親切{しんせつ}
        counterfeit clothing:    偽ブランドの服 The quality of the counterfeit clothing is as good or sometimes better than the original. 偽ブランドの服の品質はオリジナルと同等か、しばしばオリジナルよりも良い
        counterfeit coin:    偽金{にせがね}
        counterfeit documents:    偽文書{ぎ ぶんしょ}、偽造書類{ぎぞう しょるい}
        counterfeit drug:    不正医薬品{ふせい いやくひん}
        counterfeit edition:    偽作版{ぎさく ばん}


  1. "counterfeit a hundred-dollar bill 100" 意味
  2. "counterfeit banknote" 意味
  3. "counterfeit bill" 意味
  4. "counterfeit card" 意味
  5. "counterfeit charity" 意味
  6. "counterfeit clothing" 意味
  7. "counterfeit coin" 意味
  8. "counterfeit coin(s" 意味
  9. "counterfeit coins" 意味
  10. "counterfeit card" 意味
  11. "counterfeit charity" 意味
  12. "counterfeit clothing" 意味
  13. "counterfeit coin" 意味

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