cover up the scandal 意味

  • スキャンダルをもみ消す[隠蔽{いんぺい}する]


  1. at the time , some suggested that kawaji did what he did to cover up the scandal involving kuroda , who also came from satsuma , and that this incident might well be one underlying cause of the assassination of toshimichi okubo , kawaji ' s political patron , in may of the same year .


        cover up:    {名} :
        cover up for:    かばう
        cover-up:     cover-up n. 隠すこと, もみ消し. 【動詞+】 attempt a cover-up to avoid a scandal スキャンダルを避けるためにもみ消しを企てる. 【+動詞】 His cover-up unraveled. 彼の(責任となることをおおい隠していた)口実がほころびた. 【形容詞 名詞+】 an elaborate cov
        to cover up:    to cover up 押し隠す おしかくす 包み隠す つつみかくす
        hush up a scandal:    スキャンダルをもみ消す、醜聞{しゅうぶん}をもみ消す
        hush up the scandal:    スキャンダルをもみ消す
        smother up the scandal:    スキャンダルをもみ消す
        rake up an old scandal:    昔の醜聞をほじくり返す
        alleged cover-up:    問われている隠蔽工作{いんぺい こうさく}
        attempt to cover up:    ~をもみ消そうと企てる
        collude in a cover-up:    結託{けったく}して隠ぺい工作{こうさく}を行う
        condone the cover-up:    隠蔽工作{いんぺい こうさく}を許す
        cover it up by smiling:    (当惑{とうわく}?怒りなどを)笑ってごまかす
        cover up a crime:    犯罪{はんざい}を押し隠す[もみ消す]
        cover up a fault:    落ち度を隠す


  1. "cover up the loss" 意味
  2. "cover up the malpractice" 意味
  3. "cover up the outbreak of the disease" 意味
  4. "cover up the pain one feels" 意味
  5. "cover up the problem" 意味
  6. "cover up the truth" 意味
  7. "cover up traffic violations" 意味
  8. "cover up vehicle defects" 意味
  9. "cover up what happened" 意味
  10. "cover up the pain one feels" 意味
  11. "cover up the problem" 意味
  12. "cover up the truth" 意味
  13. "cover up traffic violations" 意味

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