in this plan , okubo divided the 30 years from 1868 to 1898 into the three terms of 10 year intervals: the first 10 years as the establishment period , making efforts in militaristic affairs such as the boshin civil war and shizoku no hanran (revolt by family or person with samurai ancestors ); the next 10 years as the period to organize domestic affairs , encourage domestic production , and create new industries; and the last 10 years as the period of building up and maintaining this process by his successors; and he said he hoped to contribute his effort in the second term . これは明治元年から30年までを10年毎に3期に分け、最初の10年を創業の時期として戊辰戦争や士族反乱などの兵事に明け暮れる時期、次の10年を内治整理、殖産興業の時期、最後の10年を後継者による守成の時期として、自らは第二期に力を注ぎたいと抱負を述べるものであった