create new jobs and consumer benefits through 意味

  • ~を通じて新たな雇用{こよう}や消費者利益{しょうひしゃ りえき}をもたらす



  1. "create new frameworks" 意味
  2. "create new industries" 意味
  3. "create new industries founded on" 意味
  4. "create new instances of classes" 意味
  5. "create new jobs" 意味
  6. "create new jobs and markets" 意味
  7. "create new jobs for local workers" 意味
  8. "create new markets for products and services" 意味
  9. "create new momentum for cooperation" 意味
  10. "create new instances of classes" 意味
  11. "create new jobs" 意味
  12. "create new jobs and markets" 意味
  13. "create new jobs for local workers" 意味

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