crime 意味

発音記号: [ kraim ]発音を聞く   crimeの例文


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. that the commission of the crime will produce .
    失われた価値を 考慮に入れなければならない
  2. nevertheless , you were the victim of a crime , so
    はい でも 被害にあわれたんですから
  3. britain's serious organized crime agency a breeze
    イギリス重大組織犯罪対策機構 -- 楽勝
  4. this is not an accident . this is a crime scene .
    これは 単純な事故じゃない 犯罪現場だ
  5. medicine was found at the crime scene ...
    その薬の包装シートが 殺害現場で見つかるなんて...。



  1. "crikey" 意味
  2. "crile" 意味
  3. "crile's clamp" 意味
  4. "crillon" 意味
  5. "crim" 意味
  6. "crime + punishment in suburbia" 意味
  7. "crime against civilization" 意味
  8. "crime against humanity" 意味
  9. "crime against nature" 意味
  10. "crillon" 意味
  11. "crim" 意味
  12. "crime + punishment in suburbia" 意味
  13. "crime against civilization" 意味

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