criticism of policies 意味

  • 政策批判{せいさく ひはん}


        policies:    {1-名} : 方針{ほうしん}、政策{せいさく}、保険証書{ほけん しょうしょ}、考え方{かんがえかた}、規定{きてい}、方策{ほうさく}、手段{しゅだん}、やり方、政略{せいりゃく}、知略{ちりゃく}、機略{きりゃく} Let's take the policy. その線でいこう。 That's a wise policy. それは賢いやり方ですね。 Do you understand t
        criticism:     criticism n. 批評; 非難. 【動詞+】 accept criticism humbly 批判を謙虚に受け入れる answer sb's criticism point by point 人の批判に 1 つ 1 つ答える I greatly appreciate your helpful criticism of my thesis. 私の
        actual policies:    実際{じっさい}の政策{せいさく}
        advance policies with:    ~の政策{せいさく}を進める[推進{すいしん}する]
        affect the policies of:    ~の政策{せいさく}に影響{えいきょう}を与える
        aids policies:    エイズ政策{せいさく}
        aims and policies:    目標{もくひょう}と方針{ほうしん}
        antidiesel policies:    ディーゼル車対策{しゃ たいさく}
        as a part of policies to:    ~する政策{せいさく}[方針{ほうしん}]の一環{いっかん}として
        belated policies:    時代遅れの政策{せいさく}
        consequence of the policies of:    ~の政策{せいさく}の結果{けっか}
        feedback into policies:    政策{せいさく}へのフィードバック
        government's policies:    政府{せいふ}の諸政策{しょ せいさく}
        in conducting policies on:    ~に関する政策{せいさく}を進めていく上で
        inhumane policies:    人道{じんどう}に反する政策{せいさく}


  1. "criticism leveled against" 意味
  2. "criticism leveled against us" 意味
  3. "criticism of a past event" 意味
  4. "criticism of art" 意味
  5. "criticism of japanese perceptions of history" 意味
  6. "criticism of someone's painting" 意味
  7. "criticism of the line that the current administration has taken" 意味
  8. "criticism of the police department" 意味
  9. "criticism of the present prime minister is essayed at great peril to one's political career" 意味
  10. "criticism of art" 意味
  11. "criticism of japanese perceptions of history" 意味
  12. "criticism of someone's painting" 意味
  13. "criticism of the line that the current administration has taken" 意味

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