- 経済{けいざい}再生{さいせい}[復興{ふっこう}]に必要{ひつよう}な資金{しきん}を削減{さくげん}する
cut the funds needed to revive the economy 意味
- "cut the flow of funding to terrorist organizations" 意味
- "cut the fringe-benefit costs" 意味
- "cut the fuel supply off from the engine" 意味
- "cut the funding of terrorists" 意味
- "cut the funding to terrorists" 意味
- "cut the gab and get back to work" 意味
- "cut the glossopharyngeal nerve at the base of the brain" 意味
- "cut the glossopharyngeal nerve in the neck" 意味
- "cut the gordiacean" 意味
- "cut the funding of terrorists" 意味
- "cut the funding to terrorists" 意味
- "cut the gab and get back to work" 意味
- "cut the glossopharyngeal nerve at the base of the brain" 意味