cycle of rebirth 意味

発音を聞く:   cycle of rebirthの例文
  • 輪廻{りんね}


  1. the cycle of rebirth
    もちろん 語り継がれる伝説の部活動の始まりよ
  2. the cycle of rebirth
  3. the cycle of rebirth
  4. a garden on the northern side of the main hall that is said to represent the eternal cycle of rebirth .
  5. originally , because buddhism held that if people cultivated enough virtue over the cycle of rebirth , they would finally reach enlightenment and become buddhas , there was no significance to any particular death of an individual and hence no ancestor worship , so in the beginning urabon was an official buddhist ceremony to revere shakyamuni .


        endless cycle of rebirth (buddhist):    endless cycle of rebirth (Buddhist) 輪廻 りんね
        rebirth:     rebirth n. 再生, 復活. 【動詞+】 bring about a rebirth of the city's economy その市の経済の復興をもたらす prevent the rebirth of Japanese militarism 日本の軍国主義の復活を防ぐ The following months saw the gradual r
        achieve a rebirth of:    ~の再生{さいせい}を実現{じつげん}する
        believe in rebirth:    再生を信じる
        economic rebirth:    経済{けいざい}の再生{さいせい}、経済回復{けいざい かいふく}、経済再活性化{けいざい さい かっせいか}
        moral rebirth:    道徳{どうとく}の再生{さいせい}
        rebirth in paradise:    rebirth in paradise 極楽往生 ごくらくおうじょう
        rebirth of a nation:    国家{こっか}の再生{さいせい}
        rebirth of cities:    都市{とし}の再生{さいせい}
        rebirth of militarism:    軍国主義{ぐんこく しゅぎ}の復活{ふっかつ}
        rebirth of politics:    政治{せいじ}の再生{さいせい}
        rebirth of springtime:    春の復活{ふっかつ}[再来{さいらい}]
        by cycle:    自転車で、三輪車で、オートバイで
        cycle:     1cycle n. 循環期, 周期, 過程; 悪循環; (神話 伝説などの)一団; 自転車, オートバイ(など). 【動詞+】 break the cycle of alcohol addiction アルコールにおぼれる悪循環を断つ complete the cycle of metamorphosis (昆虫などが)変態周期を完了する end a cy
        cycle of:    繰り返される、何回もの、~の連鎖


  1. "cycle of magnetization" 意味
  2. "cycle of matter" 意味
  3. "cycle of multiplication" 意味
  4. "cycle of nuclear reaction" 意味
  5. "cycle of operation" 意味
  6. "cycle of revenge" 意味
  7. "cycle of sedimentation" 意味
  8. "cycle of the pains" 意味
  9. "cycle of the seasons" 意味
  10. "cycle of nuclear reaction" 意味
  11. "cycle of operation" 意味
  12. "cycle of revenge" 意味
  13. "cycle of sedimentation" 意味

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