a garden on the northern side of the main hall that is said to represent the eternal cycle of rebirth . 本堂の北裏側にある庭で、生々流転(せいせいるてん)を表しているという。
originally , because buddhism held that if people cultivated enough virtue over the cycle of rebirth , they would finally reach enlightenment and become buddhas , there was no significance to any particular death of an individual and hence no ancestor worship , so in the beginning urabon was an official buddhist ceremony to revere shakyamuni . 仏教は本来、輪廻転生し徳を積めば最後は開眼し仏となる教えであり、「特定される個人としての死」はないので先祖崇拝はなく、「盂蘭盆」が正式な仏教行事で釈迦を奉るものである。