data furnished by x to y 意味

  • X によって Y へ提供{ていきょう}されたデータ



  1. "data fragment" 意味
  2. "data frame" 意味
  3. "data from satellites improves weather forecasting" 意味
  4. "data from this research show(s) …" 意味
  5. "data from this study implicates alcohol in over half the cases" 意味
  6. "data gathering" 意味
  7. "data gathering activity" 意味
  8. "data gathering process" 意味
  9. "data gathering system" 意味
  10. "data from this research show(s) …" 意味
  11. "data from this study implicates alcohol in over half the cases" 意味
  12. "data gathering" 意味
  13. "data gathering activity" 意味

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