so the team developed new debugging software そこでダンのチームは新たなデバッグ用ソフトウエアを開発し
but ill just say that only some kinds of debugging get the reward . 一部のデバッグだけが報酬の対象になると言えます
that this is the joy of debugging . デバッグする楽しさです
so this was a debugging これは所謂デバッグ作業です
so if you're like me and we both know you are you designed the machine so that a catastrophic crash puts it into a remote debugging protocol a god mode that gives the admin full access to all of its data . 私に似てるなら - 両方共、あなただと知ってる- 悲惨な破壊ならば デバックプロトコルを リモコンに入れると -