- declare v. 言明する, 宣言する; 布告する.【副詞1】+もっと...【+前置詞】【+that節】
- Nobody had the courage to stand up in public and declare that prosecution of the book was a miscarriage of justice.
【+wh.】【+-self】【+補】【雑】- declare bankruptcy
- Nobody had the courage to stand up in public and declare that prosecution of the book was a miscarriage of justice.
declare 意味
発音記号: [ di'klɛə ]発音を聞く declareの例文
- declare v. 言明する, 宣言する; 布告する.【副詞1】+もっと...
もっと例文: 次へ>- to declare certain areas offlimits to high seas fishing
漁業を禁止する必要があります - article 14 . prerogative to declare a state of siege
大日本帝国憲法第14条 戒厳大権 - i think we can cautiously declare the landing a victory .
勝利と言っても良いかと - if you're a writer , declare yourself the best writer !
お前も作家なら一番を目指せ - if you're a writer , declare yourself the best writer !
- "declaratory decree" 意味
- "declaratory doctrine" 意味
- "declaratory judgment" 意味
- "declaratory statute" 意味
- "declaratory tone" 意味
- "declare (to customs) personal gifts over a certain value" 意味
- "declare a ban on" 意味
- "declare a bet off" 意味
- "declare a boycott against a corporation" 意味
- "declaratory statute" 意味
- "declaratory tone" 意味
- "declare (to customs) personal gifts over a certain value" 意味
- "declare a ban on" 意味