dedicated to military purposes 意味

  • 軍事専用の


        for military purposes:    軍用の、軍事目的{ぐんじ もくてき}で
        resources spent for military purposes:    軍事目的{ぐんじ もくてき}に費やされる資源{しげん}
        used for military purposes:    《be ~》軍用{ぐんよう}に供せられる、軍事的用途{ぐんじ てき ようと}に使われる[使用{しよう}される]
        prohibit the use of official development assistance for military purposes:    政府開発援助{せいふ かいはつえんじょ}を軍事目的{ぐんじ もくてき}で使用{しよう}することを禁じる
        dedicated:    {形-1} : 献身的{けんしんてき}な、打ち込んでいる、熱心{ねっしん}な、ひたむきな He is a dedicated Muslim. 彼は熱心なイスラム教徒だ。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {形-2} : 《コ》専用{せんよう}の ----------
        dedicated to:    《be ~》~にささげられる、~を祭る、血道{ちみち}をあげている、~のために尽くす、~のために設けられる
        book dedicated to:    (人)への献辞{けんじ}のある[にささげられた]本
        dedicated amateur:    熱心{ねっしん}なアマチュア
        dedicated asset:    専用資産{せんよう しさん}
        dedicated book:    献本{けんぽん}
        dedicated channel:    専用チャンネル
        dedicated circuit:    専用回線
        dedicated coach:    熱心なコーチ
        dedicated connection:    専用接続{せんよう せつぞく}
        dedicated dad:    子育てに献身的{けんしんてき}な父親{ちちおや}


  1. "dedicated to hard work for the things one believes in" 意味
  2. "dedicated to improving the world" 意味
  3. "dedicated to improving women's lives" 意味
  4. "dedicated to learning" 意味
  5. "dedicated to looking after people in the health service" 意味
  6. "dedicated to one's craft" 意味
  7. "dedicated to one's nation" 意味
  8. "dedicated to the memory of" 意味
  9. "dedicated to the spirits of the war dead" 意味
  10. "dedicated to learning" 意味
  11. "dedicated to looking after people in the health service" 意味
  12. "dedicated to one's craft" 意味
  13. "dedicated to one's nation" 意味

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